• Mary Cox

Mary Cox


I always knew I wanted to act, but getting the funding for a fee paying drama group was out of the question. After hearing about YAT through a friend of my mother's, the idea that it was free to attend seemed too good to be true. Without hesitation I signed up to go the read-through and auditions of Doctor Faustus.

At first I was reluctant to go. Being a socially shy person, I had never gone to any group by myself where I knew nobody there; it was such a step for me to initially walk through the doors and I'm not entirely certain how I managed to! I immediately felt welcome, part of a team. I loved that feeling of inclusion and still do. To know I was involved in something outside of sixth form, where I had previously felt restricted, fuelled my craving for more independence; something I desperately needed.

It was one of the best decisions I have ever made to join YAT. The huge gain in confidence it has given me, not only in my professional, but personal life has been life changing for me. I have only been involved in a few productions since joining in January 2013 due to working towards my A-levels at the same time, however I still feel as involved in the productions I have not been directly cast in, the same as the ones that I have! The pride and sense of accomplishment that is felt after finishing a production to a sell-out audience is irreplaceable and there are many friends I have made through YAT that will undoubtedly remain good friends for a long time.

The opportunities the group has given to many young people over the years is so moving, and it would be a great shame to lose the funding for the many prospective members to come. The foundations of YAT and the late Eric Yardley's motivation and incentives for the group are extremely humbling and make me feel very proud to be a part of YAT.

Mary joined YAT in 2013